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Close more deals and increase the volume of your customers and sales by using professional CRM software.

Customer Relationship Management Software - CRM

  • More Clients

    Get more leads, follow through on your business plan, close more deals faster and have a higher customer satisfaction rate.

  • Recorded Data

    Record all the data and transactions of the company's customers in a professional way that enables you to benefit from the data included in the CRM program in better service to existing customers and attract new customers.

  • More Sales

    A higher percentage of sales as a result of the optimal use of customer data in advertising campaigns and predicting consumer behavior, according to CRM program reports.

Register and get your trial

Close more deals and increase the volume of your customers and sales by using professional CRM software.

Advantages of CRM Software

Extract Reports

Through the CRM program, you can extract all reports that enable you to make decisions and use customer data as an indicator of changes in consumer or customer behavior.

Task Routing

you can direct tasks. If an employee follows up on a customer problem, you can direct this customer to the follow-up employee who is responsible for this problem.


CRM software allows you to communicate with customers through any of the communication channels such as emails, social networks, mobile messages, and phone calls.

Customer Data

Recording all customer data, such as phone calls, messages, and conversations on social media, to enable the company representative to refer to them at any time

Internal notifications

In the event that an employee follows up on a customer’s problem, the employee can create a notification that will be sent in case of any update

Schedule follow-up

Scheduling follow-up with the client and recording all appointments to contact the client or follow up on any problem, which provides a professional image in the client’s mind

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